Results of the DNA sequencing of your insect trap samples:
Number of specimens we tried to sequence for a DNA barcode: | 285 |
Number of specimens successfully sequenced for a DNA barcode: | 274 |
Number of different species based on the DNA barcodes: | 164 |
Number of named species which we’ve identified using the DNA barcodes: | 32 |
Number of species where we don’t know the name yet (this doesn’t necessarily mean they are new species, it just means that these species don’t have a reference DNA barcode available): | 132 |
Here’s a short description of what DNA barcoding is from our friends at The Centre for Biodiversity Genomics if you need a refresher!
Of the 164 species you caught and that we DNA barcoded, 119 of them (73%) were not caught by any other schools during the project.
Of the 164 different species we DNA barcoded from your samples, 33% of them (54 species) were not represented on the Barcode of Life Database nor caught by other schools, which means they are completely new records for the Barcode of Life Database! This contribution is really important, as it helps build up the DNA barcode library of Australia’s insects. Many of these may be species that are new to science (undescribed/unnamed) but they may also be species that have a name, but have just not been DNA barcoded before. We’ll know more when we hear from the taxonomists!

Here are the images of all the specimens we tried to sequence a DNA barcode for:
Summary of the different arthropods we sequenced a DNA barcode for:

Species identified from your trap sample using DNA data
These identifications are made using DNA data, by matching the DNA sequences to the Barcode of Life Database (which contains sequences from all over the world!). This means we are relying on the identifications in that database being correct. Whilst most identifications are likely correct, it is possible that errors could exist, so we will manually confirm any suspicious identifications. This is a slow process and will happen over the next few months.
What does ‘OTU‘ mean? OTU stands for ‘operational taxonomic unit‘. It’s an approximation for a species. We don’t know for certain that each OTU is a different species, but until taxonomists are able to see all the specimens, OTUs are a great way to get a first look at the biodiversity!
Skip straight to the:
Spiders (Araneae)
Family: Araneidae
Plebs eburnus
Species OTU-1292: This species has been identified as Plebs eburnus. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAY6002. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Theridiidae
Species OTU-1287: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Theridiidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU5753. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Mites (Trombidiformes)
Family: Anystidae
Species OTU-1397: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Anystidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACR0224. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1482: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Anystidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADL9315. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Springtails (Entomobryomorpha)
Family: Entomobryidae
Species OTU-1470: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Entomobryidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET8866. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Cockroaches (Blattodea)
Family: Ectobiidae
Species OTU-1196: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Ectobiidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU1855. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1445: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Ectobiidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU4293. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-5061: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Choristima. Which schools found this species? Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER7534. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1186: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Johnrehnia. Which schools found this species? Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAU6795. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Beetles (Coleoptera)
Species OTU-1296: This species has been identified as belonging to the Order Coleoptera but we don't yet know what family it belongs to. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET6791. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Anthicidae
Species OTU-1291: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Anthicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Kingston Community School students (SA), Pingrup Primary School students (WA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEJ1972. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Carabidae
Species OTU-1198: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Carabidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADF3968. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Chrysomelidae
Species OTU-1201: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chrysomelidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES4501. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Coccinellidae
Species OTU-1453: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Coccinellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES7304. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Curculionidae
Species OTU-1290: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Curculionidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU4230. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Elateridae
Heteroderes falli
Species OTU-1215: This species has been identified as Heteroderes falli. Which schools found this species? East Kimberley Kununurra School students (WA), Kingston Community School students (SA), South Newman Primary School (WA) students, Wallaroo Mines Primary School students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAM6638. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Monocrepidius exsul
Species OTU-1218: This species has been identified as Monocrepidius exsul. Which schools found this species? Esperance Primary School students (WA), Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAH0171. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Lycidae
Species OTU-1199: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Lycidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACA8180. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Mordellidae
Species OTU-1459: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Mordellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES3943. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Ptinidae
Species OTU-1293: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Ptinidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET0478. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Staphylinidae
Astenus guttula
Species OTU-1452: This species has been identified as Astenus guttula. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABW6307. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Tenebrionidae
Species OTU-1216: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Tenebrionidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES7479. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Flies (Diptera)
Family: Agromyzidae
Species OTU-1486: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Agromyzidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAG4740. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Asilidae
Species OTU-78: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Asilidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Back Plains State School students (QLD), Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Springsure State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAH2297. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Zosteria fulvipubescens
Species OTU-1191: This species has been identified as Zosteria fulvipubescens. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAO2034. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Calliphoridae
Species OTU-1193: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Calliphoridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ6029. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Cecidomyiidae
Species OTU-1297: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cecidomyiidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER9594. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1485: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cecidomyiidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADJ2161. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1491: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cecidomyiidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES3192. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Ceratopogonidae
Species OTU-1294: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Ceratopogonidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADT3438. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1301: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Ceratopogonidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET9401. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1442: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Ceratopogonidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? East Kimberley Kununurra School students (WA), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADG6697. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1305: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Forcipomyia. Which schools found this species? Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABW7572. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1443: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Forcipomyia. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADM1986. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Chironomidae
Species OTU-1334: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chironomidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACP7629. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1487: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chironomidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADT3141. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1489: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chironomidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU3418. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1495: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chironomidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET7223. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Chloropidae
Species OTU-1476: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chloropidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAW0686. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-947: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chloropidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Kangaroo Island Community Education students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACV9641. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1465: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chloropidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADW0130. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Dolichopodidae
Species OTU-1437: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Dolichopodidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Prospect Creek State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER8991. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-316: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Dolichopodidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Back Plains State School students (QLD), Kogan State School students (QLD), Prospect Creek State School students (QLD), Springsure State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET7190. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Chrysosoma leucopogon
Species OTU-1219: This species has been identified as Chrysosoma leucopogon. Which schools found this species? Belgian Gardens State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAG9619. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Drosophilidae
Species OTU-1439: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Drosophilidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER8454. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1440: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Drosophilidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADG4134. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1493: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Drosophilidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADD4112. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Hybotidae
Species OTU-1492: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Hybotidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET3673. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1494: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Hybotidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET0752. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Lauxaniidae
Species OTU-1436: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Lauxaniidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAW0579. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Muscidae
Species OTU-77: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Helina. Which schools found this species? Allanson Primary School students (WA), Babakin Primary School students (WA), Back Plains State School students (QLD), Ceduna Area School students (SA), Encounter College students (SA), Esperance Primary School students (WA), Faith Lutheran College students (SA), Kalgoorlie Primary School students (WA), Kangaroo Island Community Education students (SA), Kingston Community School students (SA), Kogan State School students (QLD), Mimili Anangu School students (SA), Pingrup Primary School students (WA), Roxby Downs Area School students (SA), Springsure State School students (QLD), Wallaroo Mines Primary School students (SA), Yalata Anangu School students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAU5064. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Coenosia acuticornis
Species OTU-1092: This species has been identified as Coenosia acuticornis. Which schools found this species? Prospect Creek State School students (QLD), Yeppoon State High School students, Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAG6793. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Phoridae
Species OTU-1298: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Phoridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES2886. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1441: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Phoridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU2507. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1496: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Chonocephalus. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACW9359. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1466: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Megaselia. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET6160. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Megaselia spiracularis
Species OTU-225: This species has been identified as Megaselia spiracularis. Which schools found this species? Back Plains State School students (QLD), Columba Catholic College students (QLD), East Kimberley Kununurra School students (WA), Springsure State School students (QLD), St Patrick’s Catholic School Winton students (QLD), Yeppoon State High School students, Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAW1116. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Psychodidae
Species OTU-5053: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Psychodidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU0772. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Alepia viatrix
Species OTU-1490: This species has been identified as Alepia viatrix. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEM4617. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Sciaridae
Species OTU-1295: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES7924. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1299: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADS3140. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1300: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAV1268. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1331: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAV1319. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1446: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU3416. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1475: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU1446. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1477: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADJ4806. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1483: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sciaridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES1302. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1488: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Cosmosciara. Which schools found this species? Yeppoon State High School students, Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACE6898. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Sphaeroceridae
Species OTU-1438: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Sphaeroceridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Kogan State School students (QLD), Sandy Creek Primary School students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABW7892. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Stratiomyidae
Microchrysa flaviventris
Species OTU-1464: This species has been identified as Microchrysa flaviventris. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAG0257. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Syrphidae
Episyrphus glaber
Species OTU-1015: This species has been identified as Episyrphus glaber. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACE1224. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Melanostoma apicale
Species OTU-1213: This species has been identified as Melanostoma apicale. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAK7167. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Syritta orientalis
Species OTU-1222: This species has been identified as Syritta orientalis. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAD2655. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Tachinidae
Species OTU-1190: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Tachinidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES0061. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1220: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Tachinidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Shark Bay School students (WA), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACZ4335. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1018: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Halydaia. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABW2756. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-53: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Halydaia. Which schools found this species? Back Plains State School students (QLD), Columba Catholic College students (QLD), Faith Lutheran College students (SA), Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Kogan State School students (QLD), Mount Molloy State School students (QLD), Prospect Creek State School students (QLD), Sandy Creek Primary School students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAG6926. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Therevidae
Species OTU-1212: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Therevidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Back Plains State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET5398. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
True Bugs (Hemiptera)
Family: Cicadellidae
Species OTU-1188: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cicadellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADG5633. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1284: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cicadellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ2077. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1311: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cicadellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU5660. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1313: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cicadellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ2060. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1444: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cicadellidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER8354. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1312: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Balclutha. Which schools found this species? Belgian Gardens State School students (QLD), Kogan State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAR9288. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Balclutha incisa
Species OTU-1455: This species has been identified as Balclutha incisa. Which schools found this species? Belgian Gardens State School students (QLD), Cameron Downs State School students (QLD), Kingston Community School students (SA), Shark Bay School students (WA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAC9294. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Delphacidae
Species OTU-1214: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Delphacidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ2044. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1283: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Delphacidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Kogan State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABW1252. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1447: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Delphacidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ3351. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Eurybrachidae
Species OTU-1189: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Eurybrachidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES3714. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1282: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Eurybrachidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES7434. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1454: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Eurybrachidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER9468. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Pentatomidae
Species OTU-30: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Poecilometis. Which schools found this species? Columba Catholic College students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAD1854. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family Psyllidae
Heteropsylla cubana
Species OTU-1285: This species has been identified as Heteropsylla cubana. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADE5020. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Rhyparochromidae
Species OTU-1310: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Rhyparochromidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET2977. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Ants, Bees & Wasps (Hymenoptera)
Family: Aphelinidae
Species OTU-1473: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Aphelinidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES3225. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Bethylidae
Species OTU-1308: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Bethylidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET5414. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-292: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Bethylidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Denmark Primary School students (WA), Prospect Creek State School students (QLD), Springsure State School students (QLD), Yeppoon State High School students, Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ0195. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Braconidae
Species OTU-1456: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Braconidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES9079. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-11: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Coccygidium. Which schools found this species? Columba Catholic College students (QLD), Kogan State School students (QLD), Prospect Creek State School students (QLD), Springsure State School students (QLD), Yeppoon State High School students, Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADT0259. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1224: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Meteorus. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES5744. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1449: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Notiopambolus. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACW6373. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Chrysididae
Species OTU-1460: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Chrysididae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES9067. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Diapriidae
Species OTU-1067: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Diapriidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Boddington District High School students (WA), Kangaroo Island Community Education students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABX8469. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1450: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Diapriidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADY1607. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1451: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Diapriidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AED9759. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Eulophidae
Species OTU-1462: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Eulophidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER8292. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1463: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Eulophidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABA6235. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Figitidae
Species OTU-1303: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Figitidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES2070. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Formicidae
Species OTU-1021: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Formicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADV2043. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1307: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Formicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Trinity College students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER7644. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1468: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Formicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU4157. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1472: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Formicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET5895. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1474: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Formicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAU8285. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1498: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Formicidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES4535. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1016: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Camponotus. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACS5829. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1355: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Crematogaster. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET5379. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1469: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Iridomyrmex. Which schools found this species? Cameron Downs State School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAY6877. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1497: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Monomorium. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU4786. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-5210: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Nylanderia. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU4701. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-5213: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Nylanderia. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADM5443. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1471: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Ochetellus. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAZ0233. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1209: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Rhytidoponera. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU5595. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1223: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Tetraponera. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEC9222. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Polyrhachis rufifemur
Species OTU-1225: This species has been identified as Polyrhachis rufifemur. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACI3245. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Megaspilidae
Species OTU-1457: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Megaspilidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AED9263. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Mutillidae
Species OTU-1210: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Mutillidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES5294. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Mymaridae
Species OTU-1448: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Paranaphoidea. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES2170. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Platygastridae
Species OTU-1306: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Platygastridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES2067. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1458: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Platygastridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADC8141. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1461: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Platygastridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU1598. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1467: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Platygastridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER8723. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-247: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Platygastridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Columba Catholic College students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABA1044. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Pompilidae
Species OTU-1211: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Pompilidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AER7991. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Pteromalidae
Species OTU-1309: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Pteromalidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADU2124. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Trichogrammatidae
Species OTU-1302: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Trichogramma. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADV7553. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Butterflies & Moths (Lepidoptera)
Family: Cosmopterigidae
Species OTU-1484: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Cosmopterigidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU0186. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1479: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Labdia. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AET2782. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1480: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Limnaecia. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES3577. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Crambidae
Eurrhyparodes bracteolalis
Species OTU-1200: This species has been identified as Eurrhyparodes bracteolalis. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAD1173. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Piletocera macroperalis
Species OTU-1228: This species has been identified as Piletocera macroperalis. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAS7572. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Depressariidae
Species OTU-1204: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Acria. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAH7355. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Erebidae
Euproctis melanorrhanta
Species OTU-1028: This species has been identified as Euproctis melanorrhanta. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAB0450. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Parilyrgis concolor
Species OTU-1049: This species has been identified as Parilyrgis concolor. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACE3597. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Eupterotidae
Panacela nyctopa
Species OTU-1206: This species has been identified as Panacela nyctopa. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAB7452. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Geometridae
Epidesmia tryxaria
Species OTU-1195: This species has been identified as Epidesmia tryxaria. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAA9791. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Hesperiidae
Suniana sunias
Species OTU-1194: This species has been identified as Suniana sunias. Which schools found this species? Kalumburu Remote Community School students (WA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAB8928. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Lecithoceridae
Species OTU-1205: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Sarisophora. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAF1205. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Crocanthes micradelpha
Species OTU-1202: This species has been identified as Crocanthes micradelpha. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAD6687. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Noctuidae
Amyna natalis
Species OTU-45: This species has been identified as Amyna natalis. Which schools found this species? Columba Catholic College students (QLD), Gin Gin State High School students (QLD), Mornington Island State School students (QLD), North Tom Price Primary School students (WA), St Patrick’s Catholic School Winton students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAC9868. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Heterorta plutonis
Species OTU-1221: This species has been identified as Heterorta plutonis. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAO8941. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Mythimna convecta
Species OTU-1192: This species has been identified as Mythimna convecta. Which schools found this species? Elliston Area School students (SA), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAB5610. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Oecophoridae
Species OTU-1278: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Oecophoridae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABV2051. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Atheropla nigricincta
Species OTU-1269: This species has been identified as Atheropla nigricincta. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABX9536. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Barea eucapnodes
Species OTU-1203: This species has been identified as Barea eucapnodes. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAI3031. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Philobota thiocrossa
Species OTU-1038: This species has been identified as Philobota thiocrossa. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAY1114. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Tineidae
Species OTU-1322: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Tineidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Beerwah State High School students (QLD), Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ABX4742. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1481: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Tineidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAM8234. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1229: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Monopis. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAY5243. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Morophaga clonodes
Species OTU-1217: This species has been identified as Morophaga clonodes. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AES2260. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Tortricidae
Species OTU-1478: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Syntozyga. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AAH3373. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Trigonidiidae
Species OTU-1197: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Trigonidium. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:AEU5568. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Barklice, Booklice & Parasitic Lice (Psocodea)
Family: Caeciliusidae
Species OTU-1289: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Caeciliusidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADS2817. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD! Species OTU-1286: This species has been identified as a species in the genus Caecilius. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!
This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ADA8973. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!
Family: Psocidae
Species OTU-1288: This species has been identified as belonging to the family Psocidae but we're not yet sure of the genus or species identification. Which schools found this species? Yeronga State School students found this species!This OTU is BIN: BOLD:ACW8717. Find out more about this BIN on BOLD!