Insect Investigators
Scientists and schools, coming together to discover, document and describe Australia’s biodiversity

We’re collecting invertebrates: insects, spiders and more, across Australia, using Malaise traps run once a year in regional schools. Find out how to survey your own backyard.

We are DNA barcoding the insects that are collected and working with taxonomists to describe them, following the scientific process of taxonomy. Our first results are live! Explore them now

We bring school students with us through this process, to educate and inspire the next generation of scientists. You can find resources for teachers here.
Meet Us
We’ve brought together a team of expert taxonomists, educators and communicators, all passionate about documenting Australia’s unique biodiversity and inspiring young scientists.

Read about what we’ve been doing with schools across Australia. The species we’ve been finding, the experiences we’ve been providing, and the outcomes of this exciting research.
Our Origins
Throughout 2019 and 2020, we developed Insect Investigators. Read about the findings from our initial study, and how we worked with four schools to describe new species of wasps.

Our Partners
This work would not be possible without the support of our many generous partners.