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Teacher Feedback

Teacher evaluation

Participant information and consent form


PROJECT TITLE: Insect Investigators Evaluation



Dear Teacher,

You are invited to participate in the research project described below.


What is the project about?

This research project is about evaluating the Insect Investigators project with respect to whether it has impacted teachers, and if so, in what ways. It is also about seeking to improve the project in future iterations based on teachers’ feedback.


Who is undertaking the project?

This project is being conducted by Erinn Fagan-Jeffries at The University of Adelaide.


Why am I being invited to participate?

You are being invited as you are a teacher who was part of Insect Investigators in 2022.


What am I being invited to do?

You are being invited to complete a short online survey with multiple choice and optional short answer questions, asking about your experiences with and opinions about your participation in the Insect Investigators project. With these questions, we want to understand any outcomes the Insect Investigators project had for you.


How much time will my involvement in the project take?

The online survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.


Are there any risks associated with participating in this project?

We do not foresee any risks associated with you participating in the survey.


What are the potential benefits of the research project?

This research may result in a better understanding of how participating in a citizen science project, and specifically, the Insect Investigators project impacts teachers. It may also be used to attract future funding or improve the project in the future.


Can I withdraw from the project?

Participation in this project is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate, you can withdraw from the study now, however once results are recorded in the survey they are unable to be withdrawn since they are anonymous.


What will happen to my information?

We will not ask you to include any identifying information in the survey responses. Data will be stored securely in a digital location. All responses are anonymous, and we will remove any identifying comments or information given in responses before publishing the information. The collected data may be published in project reports and peer-reviewed journal articles. We will also prepare a report to share with you and teachers at the other schools. Additionally, your answers might be used in the future to compare the outcomes of this project with future versions of Insect Investigators.

Your information will only be used as described in this participant information sheet and it will only be disclosed according to the consent provided, except as required by law.


Who do I contact if I have questions about the project?

Erinn at  or on 0405426727

What if I have a complaint or any concerns?

The study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Adelaide (approval number H-2022-097). This research project will be conducted according to the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018). If you have questions or problems associated with the practical aspects of your participation in the project or wish to raise a concern or complaint about the project, then you should consult the Principal Investigator. If you wish to speak with an independent person regarding concerns or a complaint, the University’s policy on research involving human participants, or your rights as a participant, please contact the Human Research Ethics Committee’s Secretariat on:

Phone: +61 8 8313 6028


Post:     Level 4, Rundle Mall Plaza, 50 Rundle Mall, ADELAIDE SA 5000

Any complaint or concern will be treated in confidence and fully investigated. You will be informed of the outcome.


If I want to participate, what do I do?

Indicate your consent to participate using the checkbox below and then complete the survey.


By completing the survey, you are consenting to the following:

I have read the attached Information Sheet and agree to take part in the following

research project:

  1. I have had the project, so far as it affects me, and the potential risks and burdens fully explained to my satisfaction by the research worker. I have had the opportunity to ask any questions I may have about the project and my participation. My consent is given freely.
  2. I have been given the opportunity to have a member of my family or a friend present while the project was explained to me.
  3. Although I understand the purpose of the research project, it has also been explained that my involvement may not be of any benefit to me.
  4. I agree to participate in the activities outlined in the participant information sheet.
  5. I understand my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw my information from the project until I click the ‘submit’ button on the survey.
  6. I have been informed that the information gained in the project may be published in project reports and peer-reviewed journals.
  7. I provide consent for the use of my de-identified data in any future research (this means that you provide consent for the de-identified data to be used in future related studies). De-identified data may be shared with other researchers who are part of the Insect Investigators project, including from The South Australian Museum, Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Museum, Western Australian Museum and the Western Australian Gould League.
  8. I understand my information will only be disclosed according to the consent provided, except where disclosure is required by law.
  9. I am aware that I should keep a copy of this information sheet.


Yours sincerely,

Dr Erinn Fagan-Jeffries

Very importantImportantNot important
To connect students with ‘real’ science and scientists.
I regularly try new things and join programs like this.
High quality support and resource materials are provided.
The project aligns to the Australian Curriculum and/or my teaching program.
Students are already very interested in insects.
To provide students with hands-on learning opportunities.
The project would have a positive impact on student learning outcomes.
Climate change
Climate change
Invaluable – keep this!Good – not essential but nice to haveOk – but wouldn’t use againTerrible – a waste of time!Chose not to access thisDidn’t know about thisAccess wasn’t possible
In person visits by the team at the START of the project
In person visits by the team at the END of the project
Virtual class sessions with the team either at start or end
Virtual teacher info sessions (pre-project commencing)
Online discussion board (Padlet)
Teacher resource pack (with lesson plans and task sheets)
‘How to’ videos – setting up the trap and collecting
How to videos – habitat assessment
Live webinars and Q&As with scientists (Meet the Taxonomist series)
Vlogs/blogs/social media about trap processing and results
Informal communication (teacher support) with team members
Connection/Collaboration with other schools
Results pages on website (released 14 November)
Very likelyLikelyNot LikelyDefinitely not
Survey for insects around the school
Take images of insects and upload them to iNaturalist
Discuss the importance of insects
Discuss the science and process of taxonomy
Work towards improving the school yard and/or local environment and planting local plants
Encourage students to be involved in conservation activities
Take part in other citizen science projects